In mathematics, a parametric equation is a type of equation that uses a parameter to define a relation between variables. It is a powerful tool for representing curves, surfaces, and other geometric objects in a concise and expressive way. Parametric equations have numerous applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, computer science, and economics.

Definition and Explanation

A parametric equation is a set of equations that define a relation between two or more variables, using a parameter. The parameter is a variable that is independent of the other variables, and it is used to define the relationship between them. The general form of a parametric equation is:

$$x = f(t)$$

$$y = g(t)$$

Where \(x\) and \(y\) are the variables, and \(t\) is the parameter. The functions \(f\) and \(g\) define the relationship between the variables and the parameter.

How to Find Parametric Equations

There are various methods to find parametric equations, depending on the context and the information available. Here are a few examples:

Elimination method

This method involves solving a system of equations to find the parametric equations.

Substitution method

This method involves substituting one variable into another equation to find the parametric equations.

Vector-valued functions

This method involves defining a vector-valued function and finding its components to get the parametric equations.

How to Graph Parametric Equations

Graphing parametric equations can be done using various tools and techniques. Here are a few methods:

Plotting points

This method involves plotting points on a graph paper and connecting them to form a curve.

Using graphing software

There are various software and online tools available that can graph parametric equations, such as Graphing Calculator, Desmos, and GeoGebra.

Parametric equation calculator

This is an online tool that can graph parametric equations and also find the derivatives and integrals.

Parametric Equation for Circle

The parametric equation for a circle is:

$$x = a\cos(t)$$

$$y = a\sin(t)$$

Where \(a\) is the radius of the circle, and \(t\) is the parameter.

Parametric Equation of a Line

The parametric equation of a line is:

$$x = x_0 + mt$$

$$y = y_0 + nt$$

Where \((x_0, y_0)\) is a point on the line, and \(m\) and \(n\) are the slopes of the line.

Second Derivative of Parametric Equations

The second derivative of parametric equations can be found using various methods, such as:

Differentiating the parametric equations twice with respect to the parameter.

Using the chain rule and the product rule to find the second derivative.

The second derivative has various applications in physics, engineering, and economics, such as finding the acceleration of an object, the curvature of a curve, and the optimization of functions.

Parametric EquationsCartesian FormCurve DescriptionNotes
x = cos(t), y = sin(t)x² + y² = 1Circle (radius 1, centered at origin)0 ≤ t ≤ 2π for one full circle
x = a + r cos(t), y = b + r sin(t)(x – a)² + (y – b)² = r²Circle (radius r, centered at (a, b))0 ≤ t ≤ 2π for one full circle
x = a cos(t), y = b sin(t)x²/a² + y²/b² = 1Ellipse (centered at origin, semi-major axis a, semi-minor axis b)0 ≤ t ≤ 2π for one full ellipse
x = t, y = t²y = x²Parabola (opening upwards)
x = t³, y = t²y = x^(2/3)Cusp (semi-cubic parabola)
x = a(t – sin(t)), y = a(1 – cos(t))(This one has no simple Cartesian form)Cycloid (path traced by a point on a rolling circle)
x = e^t, y = ty = ln(x)Logarithmic curveOnly defined for t > 0

Read more about Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), a class of differential equations involving multiple independent variables and their partial derivatives, crucial for modeling in various scientific and engineering fields.


What is meant by parametric equation?

A parametric equation is a mathematical equation that expresses a relationship between variables using a parameter.

What is an example of a parametric equation?

An example of a parametric equation is \(x = 2t\), \(y = 3t\), which represents a line in the \(xy\)-plane.

How do you identify a parametric equation?

You can identify a parametric equation by looking for equations that define a relationship between variables using a parameter, often represented by a letter like \(t\).

What is a parametric equation for dummies?

A parametric equation is a way to describe a curve or shape using a third variable (parameter) that connects the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates.

What is the concept of parametric?

The concept of parametric refers to the use of a parameter to define a relationship between variables, allowing for the representation of curves, surfaces, and other geometric objects.

What is the difference between parametric and nonparametric equations?

Parametric equations use a parameter to define a relationship between variables, whereas nonparametric equations do not use a parameter and instead define a direct relationship between variables.

To learn more about parametric equations and their applications, check out this detailed guide.


parametric equations are a powerful tool for representing and analyzing geometric objects and real-world phenomena. They have numerous applications in various fields and can be used to model and visualize complex relationships between variables. By understanding parametric equations, we can gain insights into the world around us and develop new technologies and innovations.

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