Mean Calculator

Mean, Median, Mode Calculator

Average Calculator


Mean or average is the sum of the data set dividing the data set by the numbers of the data set.


The formula of the mean or average is


Where \(\sum{x}\) is the sum of the data and \(n\) is the number of the data.


Medin is defined as it is the middle-term of the data set if the data set is even values then the median will be the average of the data set.


$$Med(X)=\begin{cases}X(\frac{n+1}{2})\\ \frac{X(\frac{n}{2})+X(\frac{n}{2}+1)}{2}\end{cases}$$

The above formula is used when n is odd and the below formula is used when n is even number.


The mode is the value that appears most frequently in the data set in simple words it is a value that is more repeated in the data set.


Unusual data points that significantly differ from the rest of the dataset.

Qutliers Q1

The median of the lower half of a dataset separates the lowest 25% of values.

Qutliers Q2

The median of a dataset, representing the middle value when the data is ordered.

Qutliers Q3

The median of the upper half of a dataset, separating the lowest 75% of values.

Interquartile Range IQR

The range between the first quartile (Q1) and the third quartile (Q3), indicates the spread of the central 50% of the data.


$$\text{Anything above Q3   +   1.5   x   IQR is an outlier}$$

$$\text{Anything below Q1   –   1.5   x   IQR is an outlier}$$